Originally posted at Sound on Sight
Edited on 12/21/15 for publication at The Televerse

The Televerse is back with its fourth episode. This week, Kate Kulzick and Simon Howell talk through our week in TV from Tuesday to Monday with pilot reviews, along with looks at returning series including Glee, Modern Family, the finale of The Hour, Community, Parks and Rec, the Office, Supernatural, Fringe, The Amazing Race, The Simpsons, and The Good Wife. Then we spotlight Breaking Bad‘s episode this week, “Crawlspace”, and finish up with some The Middleman talk, with guest host Alyssa Boehm from The Big Red Podcast joining us at the DVD Shelf.

Errata: We watched, but forgot to review the Person of Interest pilot. It will be discussed on the next episode. Also, Kate said that Ryan Murphy wrote the premiere episode of Glee. This is incorrect- it was written by co-creator Brad Falchuk.

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